Monthly Update: Loanch Achievements and New Features

Monthly Update: Loanch Achievements and New Features


Welcome to our monthly update where we share the latest achievements and features introduced on the Loanch platform. This month, we are excited to announce significant milestones and new developments that enhance your experience with Loanch.



  • Investments: We have successfully crossed 3.3 million in investments. This achievement marks a significant step forward in our mission to provide accessible and reliable financial solutions to our users.
  • Growing Investor Community: Our community continues to grow, with over 1100 investors now part of the Loanch family. We are grateful for your trust and support.

New Features:

  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Security is our top priority. We are pleased to announce the release of 2FA on the Loanch platform. This feature adds an extra layer of protection to your account, ensuring your investments are more secure than ever.
  • French Version of the Website: In our effort to make Loanch more accessible globally, we have launched the French version of our website. Now, our French-speaking users can navigate our platform with ease.
  • Twitter Account: Stay connected and updated with the latest news and updates from Loanch by following our Twitter account. Join the conversation and be part of our growing community on social media.

We look forward to continuing our journey together and achieving even greater milestones in the future. Thank you for being a part of Loanch.
