Investor Protection

Investing comes with some risk, so before starting investing you should evaluate your risk tolerance. On our side we always ensure full transparency and your awareness about all the risks arising as we do care about your investments.

Investor Protection

Benefits we offer

Risk diversification

Risk diversification

Investors can create a diversified portfolio of assets, so the specific risk associated with one asset is offset by the particular risk associated with another asset.

GDPR matters

GDPR matters

We’re complying with all relevant EU regulations to guarantee your personal data safety. All the information you provide with us is safely stored.

Efficient due diligence

Efficient due diligence

We're undertaking enhanced due diligence checks for each loan originator onboarding our platform. Checks include shareholders background check, assessing court and supervisory authority decisions (if any) related to the company, to ensure absence of violations related to insolvency, potential fraud, and money laundering issues.

Dedicated customer support

Dedicated customer support

If you encounter any challenges as a seasoned investor or if you're new to our platform, our dedicated customer support team is committed to assisting you every step of the way. Whether you need guidance, have inquiries about the platform, or face any difficulties, we're here to provide prompt and responsive assistance. Feel free to reach out to us; we're here to help.

Buyback guarantee protection

Buyback guarantee protection

Should any loan you’ve invested in reach delinquency of 30 days, an appropriate Loan originator will be obliged to buy it back together with all accrued interest. We do care about all our clients’ investments and make sure that all loan originators at our platform always fulfill their obligations

Segregated accounts

Segregated accounts

Loanch is here to help you earn more and support you on your passive income journey. Investors' funds go into a platform designated account that works like a savings account and is separate from the operational activities of the company.